The software platform to unleash your lawyers' potential
We know law firms inside and out — and now we've created a one-stop shop for legal talent management. Recruit and integrate top lawyers, allocate work effectively and fairly, provide quality feedback on matters, and develop a high-performing, well-rounded legal team.

Trusted by 400+ top law firms
The world’s leading law firms choose us for the most strategic parts of their legal talent management
Rethinking your legal talent management helps
your law firm grow and succeed
Staff each matter effectively & distribute work equitably
Develop and retain your people with the right quantity, quality, and variety of work. Give everyone an equal opportunity to work and advance.
Implement the next level of performance management
A law firm's review process needs real-time feedback on matters, as well as comprehensive annual evaluations, to truly ace performance management.
Integrate new hires and lateral lawyers into the firm
Our clients have decreased employee attrition while saving up to $300,000 per retained associate and $1,000,000 per retained partner.
Streamline your law student & lateral lawyer recruitment
Efficiently hire the best fit employee for each role and build a diverse team of legal talent. Our clients have saved up to $1 million in search firm fees.
Achieve your diversity goals
From recruitment analytics right through to ensuring everyone gets equal opportunity for advancement.
A software suite for all your needs, united on a platform you'll love
Discover our solutions for every legal talent management challenge. Pick the exact software you need, or use multiple products on one platform for connected data and dashboard views of every part of your law firm's talent management.
Make law firm recruitment easy
Recruitment at law firms is nuanced and sophisticated, from lateral associate and partner recruitment to recruiting from schools. Our software makes it easy, integrating with your website for a seamless experience for your recruitment professionals and your applicants. Manage search firms and save money on fees. Schedule high-volume interview processes and automate applicant correspondence. Use our sophisticated reporting to guide your hiring strategy and ensure you meet diversity targets while finding top legal talent.
Never let a new hire fall through the cracks
Fully integrating new lawyers can take six months for an associate and up to two years for a lateral partner. Ensure that key client and firm relationships are fostered by giving every employee a timeline of activities and introductions tailored to their role, whether remote or in the office. No new hire will get left behind thanks to our visual dashboard and red alert system. Collect real-time feedback from both sides — the new hires and your integration team — to make sure they are fitting in culturally and to proactively improve the process.
Anticipate availability and distribute work evenly
Have lawyers submit their office days, scheduled absences, and available time, and then analyze an entire department or law firm's availability in one place. See how busy each practice group is with color-coded dashboards. Ensure every person has equal opportunity to reach billable hours and is on target to do so. Whether your firm is remote or in the office, avoid productivity loss and burnout by equitably distributing work and keeping your employees satisfied.
Give every lawyer the right workload and work assignments
Effectively distribute work so that each associate is billing at capacity and getting the opportunity to grow and develop. Our resource allocation system tracks individual availability, demographics, skills, and interests. It can also fully integrate with your accounting system to import matters and projects. Find the right associate for every project and make sure workloads are balanced across practice groups and offices. Automate early career programs and manage paralegal or support staff workloads.
Develop well-rounded lawyers in each practice group
Establish a clear set of progressive skills and benchmarks that allow lawyers to track their career growth as they gain experience. We offer a best practice list of skill checklists for most practice groups that you can modify, including Corporate, Tax, Real Estate, Litigation, and more. Use skill tracking to keep work from becoming stagnant and to staff each matter effectively, assigning people based on complementary skills and what they need to improve. Manage and track progress with custom training and development plans. Ensure your law firm has the skills it needs for its business development strategy.
Effectively conduct any review process
Lawyer evaluations can be complex — an associate does a self-assessment, multiple partners evaluate their work on matters, and then their practice group leader may give an overall consensus evaluation. Our software simplifies this process and supports matter-based, many-to-many performance appraisals. Identify your firm's top performers in each practice group. Get your associates to indicate the work they’ve done on matters so that evaluating partners can easily provide comprehensive feedback, saving them hours of time completing reviews.
Evaluate lawyers on matters in real time
Modern employees need constant feedback, and it's no different in the legal profession. Providing feedback to associates as they work on matters throughout the year will improve their engagement and help retain them. Set up a real-time feedback system that meets your needs and integrates with your annual performance reviews for continuous performance management. Give your associates opportunities to course-correct and improve on specific matters when they request or receive feedback from evaluators. Ensure employee performance is supporting your firm's overall strategy.
Help lawyers learn and stay accredited at the same time
A firm-wide learning management system for all legal education needs. Our system handles classroom courses, e-learning, learning resources, and videos. It also integrates with legal-specific providers such as PLI. Make sure all lawyers stay accredited with a full and up-to-date CLE (Continuing Legal Education) and CPD (Continual Professional Development) credit tracking system. Each employee can see their learning path, required courses, and outstanding credits in one homepage. Class registration is easy to use and can integrate with your calendar system.
Make law firm recruitment easy
Recruitment at law firms is nuanced and sophisticated, from lateral associate and partner recruitment to recruiting from schools. Our software makes it easy, integrating with your website for a seamless experience for your recruitment professionals and your applicants. Manage search firms and save money on fees. Schedule high-volume interview processes and automate applicant correspondence. Use our sophisticated reporting to guide your hiring strategy and ensure you meet diversity targets while finding top legal talent.
Never let a new hire fall through the cracks
Fully integrating new lawyers can take six months for an associate and up to two years for a lateral partner. Ensure that key client and firm relationships are fostered by giving every new employee a timeline of activities and introductions tailored to their role, whether remote or in the office. No new hire will get left behind thanks to our visual dashboard and red alert system. Collect real-time feedback from both sides — the new hires and your integration team — to make sure they are fitting in culturally and to proactively improve the process.
Anticipate availability and distribute work evenly
Have lawyers submit their office days, scheduled absences, and available time, and then analyze an entire department or law firm's availability in one place. See how busy each practice group is with color-coded dashboards. Ensure every person has equal opportunity to reach billable hours and is on target to do so. Whether your firm is remote or in the office, avoid productivity loss and burnout by equitably distributing work and keeping your employees satisfied.
Give every lawyer the right workload and work assignments
Effectively distribute work so that each associate is billing at capacity and getting the opportunity to grow and develop. Our resource allocation system tracks individual availability, demographics, skills, and interests. It can also fully integrate with your accounting system to import matters and projects. Find the right associate for every project and make sure workloads are balanced across practice groups and offices. Automate early career programs and manage paralegal or support staff workloads.
Develop well-rounded lawyers in each practice group
Establish a clear set of progressive skills and benchmarks that allow lawyers to track their career growth as they gain experience. We offer a best practice list of skill checklists for most practice groups that you can modify, including Corporate, Tax, Real Estate, Litigation, and more. Use skill tracking to keep work from becoming stagnant and to staff each matter effectively, assigning people based on complementary skills and what they need to improve. Manage and track progress with custom training and development plans. Ensure your firm gets experience with legal issues that are relevant to its business development strategy.
Effectively conduct any review process
Lawyer evaluations can be complex — an associate does a self-assessment, multiple partners evaluate their work on matters, and then their practice group leader may give an overall consensus evaluation. Our software simplifies this process and supports matter-based, many-to-many performance appraisals. Identify your firm's top performers in each practice group. Get your associates to indicate the work they’ve done on matters so that evaluating partners can easily provide comprehensive feedback, saving them hours of time completing reviews.
Evaluate lawyers on matters in real time
Modern employees need constant feedback, and it's no different in the legal profession. Providing feedback to associates as they work on matters throughout the year will improve their engagement and help retain them. Set up a real-time feedback system that meets your needs and integrates with your annual performance reviews for continuous performance management. Give your associates opportunities to course-correct and improve on specific matters when they request or receive feedback from evaluators. Ensure employee performance is supporting your firm's overall strategy.
Help lawyers learn and stay accredited
A firm-wide learning management system for all legal education needs. Our system handles classroom courses, e-learning, learning resources, and videos. It also integrates with legal-specific providers such as PLI. Make sure all lawyers stay accredited with a full and up-to-date CLE (Continuing Legal Education) and CPD (Continual Professional Development) credit tracking system. Each employee can see their learning path, required courses, and outstanding credits in one homepage. Class registration is easy to use and can integrate with your calendar system.
Solving law firm talent management
Frequently asked questions
What if we already have an HR system? Why do we still need vi by Aderant?

We integrate with our clients’ HR systems and focus on managing strategic talent.
Do we need to buy the whole platform?

Many of our clients implement one of our pinpoint solutions to solve a specific problem, and adopt other products later as they roll out the platform.
Is this platform only for lawyers or can it be used for staff too?

This platform can be used for all of your law firm staff.