Staff the Right People on the Right Matters at the Right Time

Our resource allocation software helps your firm balance associate workloads, improve utilization, and develop talent with the right work and opportunities.

A smart resource allocation system that addresses underutilization, reduces burnout, prevents attrition, and optimizes capacity.

The right lawyers on every matter

Find lawyers for matters with pinpoint accuracy based on their skills, experience, availability, location, development needs, and more.

Enhanced utilization across the board

Ensure that all lawyers teams, and offices work at capacity and that no one is over- or under-utilized.

A key lever to attract, develop, and retain top talent

Firms that can effectively manage lawyer workloads and work allocation can recruit better talent, engage them, and keep them for longer.

Informed decision making with accurate data

Arm your talent managers and resource allocators with data insights, tracking capabilities, reporting functions, and process workflows. Allocate matter assignments efficiently and at scale.

Learn how viAllocate helps law firms optimize their utilization rates and grow revenue. Talk to a vi by Aderant Talent Management Strategist today!

What our resource allocation software does

Staff every matter with utilization and fit in mind

Find professionals for projects A one-stop shop for staffing decisions

Put the right lawyers on the right matters at the right time

Access all the staffing data you need in one system, including location, availability, utilization, billable hours, interests, skills, experience level, and more. Submit requests for help on billable and non-billable work. Filter lawyers by matter criteria and search departments, offices, and the full organization to find the best person for each job.

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Explore individual profiles Availability, demographics, skills, and more

Get a holistic view of each lawyer through in-depth profiles

Searches for available and qualified lawyers will surface detailed individual profiles, which can include photos, availability forecast, billables, utilization rate, and more. You can also track their skills and allow them to indicate areas of interest, making it easier to align work with their development goals. Filter these insights for easy visibility and review relevant stats when allocating work and assigning teams to matters.

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Track and forecast availability Individual availability and workloads

See what lawyers are working on and their anticipated availability

By tracking and forecasting each lawyer’s availability to take on work, you can make sure every person works at capacity, without being over- or under-utilized. See the matters each lawyer is working on and how much time they are billing. Prompt them to forecast their upcoming schedule on a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly basis. With forecasts for teams, departments, and offices, you can balance resources across your firm, ensuring that you maximize billable hours, meet your client needs and plan for lawyer absences.

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Allocate work based on skills The ideal skills for each project

Track lawyer skills and better inform matter staffing choices

Choosing to track each lawyer’s skills will make matter staffing easier and more effective — you’ll identify what skills are required for the matter, filter available lawyers to see who has those skills, and then compare your pool of candidates to determine the perfect fit. You can also create mentoring opportunities by putting more experienced lawyers on matters with lawyers who lack specific skills. Keep skills tracking up to date by having your lawyers update their proficiency as they complete matters or on a recurring basis.

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Dashboards for each role All their data in one place

Everything work allocators need in a simple, personalized dashboard

Partners or resource managers can get real-time visibility of their resource allocation and team capacity. They can review the ongoing matters and how many available hours each person or team has. Up-to-date reporting shows them which individuals, practice groups, or offices are being over- and under-utilized so they can distribute work accordingly. Lawyers can see their assigned matters, update their progress, and submit their availability, skills, and interests.

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Put the right lawyers on the right matters at the right time

Access all the staffing data you need in one system, including location, availability, utilization, billable hours, interests, skills, experience level, and more. Submit requests for help on billable and non-billable work. Filter lawyers by matter criteria and search departments, offices, and the full organization to find the best person for each job.

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Get a holistic view of each lawyer through in-depth profiles

Searches for available and qualified lawyers will surface detailed individual profiles, which can include photos, availability forecast, billables, utilization rate, and more. You can also track their skills and allow them to indicate areas of interest, making it easier to align work with their development goals. Filter these insights for easy visibility and review relevant stats when allocating work and assigning teams to matters.

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See what lawyers are working on and their anticipated availability

By tracking and forecasting each lawyer’s availability to take on work, you can make sure every person works at capacity, without being over- or under-utilized. See the matters each lawyer is working on and how much time they are billing. Prompt them to forecast their upcoming schedule on a daily, weekly, or bi-weekly basis. With forecasts for teams, departments, and offices, you can balance resources across your firm, ensuring that you maximize billable hours, meet your client needs and plan for lawyer absences.

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Track lawyer skills and better inform matter staffing choices

Choosing to track each lawyer’s skills will make matter staffing easier and more effective — you’ll identify what skills are required for the matter, filter available lawyers to see who has those skills, and then compare your pool of candidates to determine the perfect fit. You can also create mentoring opportunities by putting more experienced lawyers on matters with lawyers who lack specific skills. Keep skills tracking up to date by having your lawyers update their proficiency as they complete matters or on a recurring basis.

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Everything work allocators need in a simple, personalized dashboard

Partners or resource managers can get real-time visibility of their resource allocation and team capacity. They can review the ongoing matters and how many available hours each person or team has. Up-to-date reporting shows them which individuals, practice groups, or offices are being over- and under-utilized so they can distribute work accordingly. Lawyers can see their assigned matters, update their progress, and submit their availability, skills, and interests.

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Book a demo of viAllocate today to staff each matter efficiently and effectively!

Use Cases

One system for tracking all firm work and managing all firm lawyer utilization

Happy employees gathered together

Put lawyers on billable and non-billable work

Assemble teams for any type of billable or non-billable work, including pro bono work or client pitch meetings. Develop one system for documenting all your firm’s assignments and never have an issue keeping track of what a department or office is working on.

Employee deep in thought

Delegate assignments and tasks to support staff

This system can also be used to delegate work to staff that directly support your lawyers, or to departments such as IT. Work can be assigned to qualified individuals or self-selected from a pool of tasks that can be picked up by whoever is available.

Happy employees giving thumbs-up

Manage summer associates and other early career programs

Establish and automate work distribution and progress tracking for early career programs across your firm. Make sure interns and summer associates get a well-rounded experience and equal opportunity to succeed in your programs.