If there’s one thing that has benefited from digital transformation, it’s high-volume recruiting. Screening, filtering and general automation have led not only to huge productivity gains, but also to better hiring, and even retention.
What is high-volume recruiting technology?
The most common technology associated with this type of recruiting is probably Applicant Tracking Software (ATS).
This is technology that accepts and filters through the hundreds (or thousands) of resumes that hiring teams often have to review in high-volume recruiting organizations or periods.
Here are four reasons this type of technology is becoming increasingly vital to hiring teams:
1. It saves huge amounts of time (and money)
The benefits of ATS software begin as soon as you advertise a job.
Many platforms, like ours, are designed to function as part of your website (where candidates can apply directly), while also including an interface that you can direct hiring agencies to use.
This way everyone enjoys a consistent and well-branded experience, you are less reliant on the marketing department, agency billing is simplified, and all applications are automatically funneled into the same review process.
The next round of benefits is as a result of the automatic filtering and ranking that ATS software offers when reviewing resumes. For example, by filtering for GPA, particular certifications, locations or languages, etc.
2. It’s unbiased
The great thing about technology is that it doesn’t make careless mistakes, misplace emails and resumes, or review resumes with any kind of bias.
All too often, we humans view the world and other people through the lenses of our own experiences, assumptions, and opinions. We are naturally drawn to people just like us, which makes most of us biased – whether we know it or not.
Creating an organic culture of innovation requires a diverse workforce. Technology can help hiring teams and managers identify high-performing candidates that they may otherwise have missed.
3. It accelerates the interview and hiring process
Some ATS platforms include messaging and online scheduling tools to help accelerate the process. For example, ours enables hiring teams to send out bulk emails and letters of acceptance, rejection, and offer. All correspondence is templated and tracked.
It also integrates with Outlook so, as soon as an interview is scheduled it is automatically booked in the interviewer and applicant’s calendar. You can determine what applicant information is shown to the interviewer before the interview.
4. Powerful reporting and dashboards help identify recruiting trends and risks
ATS should also offer reporting and analysis. You may want reports that show your recruiting trends so that you can benchmark success rates and aim to improve. For example, you can report on candidates who decline offers from you, view general trends, or find out which schools yield the most top performers.
Learn more
Our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a robust software platform for handling all of your recruiting needs. viRecruit plugs into your website to seamlessly streamline your end-to-end recruiting process. Hundreds of organizations around the world rely on viRecruit.
Follow the link below to get started with a quick demo.